BiA| BiKu Volume 8, 2024
- Siobhán Dowling Long, “And the rich man also died: and he was buried in hell.” (Luke 16:22b). The Afterlife of Dives in Visual and Musical Representations through the Centuries
- Ronald V. Huggins, Foraging for Psychedelic Mushrooms in the Wrong Forest: The Great Canterbury Psalter as a Medieval Test Case
- Maria Theresia Ploner, Imaginationen des Weiblichen – Maria Magdalena in der Kunst des Fin de siècle
- Stéphanie Anthonioz, A Re-Examination of (Under-Acknowledged) Biblical Themes in the Film Noah
- Marion Keuchen / Stephanie Lerke, Vielfalt begrüßen.
Book Reviews
- Laura Copier, Review: Richard Walsh and Jeffrey L. Staley, Jesus, the Gospels, and the Cinematic Imagination. Introducing Jesus Movies, Christ Films, and the Messiah in Motion, London 2022
- Klaus Koenen, Book Review: Azzan Yadin-Israel, Temptation Transformed. The Story of How the Forbidden Fruit Became an Apple, Chicago / London 2022
- Ryan P. Bonfiglio, Review: Amanda Dillon, Drawn to the Word: The Bible and Graphic Design, Atlanta 2021
- Jan Willem van Henten, Review: Josef und die Frau Potifars im populärkulturellen Kontext, Wiesbaden 2020
There are more articles coming up.
Weitere Artikel sind in Arbeit.